Happy New Year.
My Newest Website
My newest website is davesantiqueradio.com. One website I had was over 20 years old. The web space was a very tiny 20 Megabytes and the isp I was using, decided not to offer that service anymore after March 1, 2022. So if anyone is still using that page (dreamscape domain name) and eMail (the dreamscape one), please update your contacts. Thanks.
RCA SHF-7 Record Player from 1958

I just electronically restored an RCA SHF-7 Amplifier for a customer. New Orthophonic equalization is spectacular! I’m also awaiting rubber parts to complete the servicing of the RP-205C2 record changer. The rubber parts are an idler, 4 turrets (one for each speed), two small grommets, and three motor mounts. There are also 2 rubber washer cushions under the bolts that hold the changer deck on it’s shelf. But they’re still in good condition. Then the motor has to be taken apart to clean the top and bottom bearings. Everything that’s supposed to slide will be lubricated. Everything that’s supposed to grip, will be thoroughly cleaned.

There are 14 capacitors total to replace in this record player. 13 are in the amplifier chassis, and one is the crossover capacitor for the speakers. One resistor cracked when removing it from it’s solder lug on the old electrolytic capacitor can. So it was replaced. All other capacitors were within tolerance. The new electrolytic capacitors were relocated. The wires and resistor were soldiered to a solder lug strip to keep them neat and tidy. All new capacitors are exactly the same value as the originals. For the three that there is no currently made value, I used 2 or 3 to make one extremely close to the original. This is very critical in the New Orthophonic (Now called RIAA) equalization section. The closer to the original, the more fantastic the sound. It is fantastic.
If you “like” my Facebook page, I can send you a video of this record player by private message. I cannot post the video publicly because, it will undoubtedly contain copyrighted audio, and be removed. That’s why it has to be sent privately. Most of the time the videos are for the owners of these who I’m restoring these for.
GE J-805 Console Radio
I just restored a GE J-805 from 1941 for a customer. That customer ordered a new dial glass for it and will be bringing it back to me to install it. I’ll take all the after pictures at that point, and post them here and on Facebook. This radio has 15 capacitors to replace. This example had a few lengths of wire with cracked insulation and three 1/2 watt resistors to replace. But I didn’t charge extra for those. The price was $225.00 + Sales tax. It was hand delivered, so no shipping charges either. I put lemon oil on the cabinet because the wood was all dried out and I cleaned and lubricated the dial drive mechanism and “feather touch” push buttons.
Old Drifted Resistors
Usually resistors don’t have to be replaced. But some very old resistors will change in value over time to the point where the circuitry won’t work correctly or not work at all. Some are so old that they might get so brittle that they fall apart when replacing the required capacitors that they are connected to. If these are 1/4 to 1/2 watt types, I will include up to 5 of them if they are off value or they fall apart from age. If there are more there maybe be an extra charge. I have a lot of vintage 1/2 watt resistors.
Wires with cracked insulation
Sometimes wires in vintage radios had natural rubber insulation. This insulation dries out and hardens over time. If the wire is not disturbed and it’s not carrying high voltages or in danger of touching the chassis, it’s ok to leave it alone. However, if they do have to be moved and they are liable to cause a short circuit and damage to components, it’s a good idea to replace these wires. If there are only a few short lengths of wire to replace, I will include those as part of the antique electronic restoration. But if there are more, then there will be an extra charge for the extra work.
Prepayment Form.
I added a link to a prepayment form to print out and enclose with a radio, car radio, tv or other type of vintage electronics. It’s here. It will open in an new window or tab.
5 and 6 Tube Table Radio Restoration Specials

Dial Cords
If a radio arrives with a broken dial cord, and the dial cord arrangement is not very complicated, I’ll include that dial cord replacement in the restoration. However if the dial cord is so complicated that replacing it is an exercise in total frustration, and I am successful and replacing it, there will be an extra charge. In my opinion, dial cord stringing is an art or a craft. Some are an interesting challenge. Somehow the date is off. Today is May 23rd, NOT the 24th. But it really makes no difference.
About page and Radio Page
The About Page and Radio Page have a lot of information on them. I still need to add a TVs/HiFi Gear-Amps, Tuners/ Guitar Amps/Turntables/record changers/phonograph page. Maybe I need more than one page for all this. I’ll decide later. I work on all these vintage items, not just the antique radios and TVs.
TVs have the same flat rate pricing as radios: $15.00 per capacitor replaced + other parts + Sales TAX (8% NY only) + return shipping. Please only ship small sized sets where the picture tube is a part of the chassis. Larger sets will have to be hand delivered or there is a risk of extensive damage in shipping. There are a lot of tubes, especially the picture tube. This is all extremely fragile.